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General Information column provides some specific information of general interest for people planning to
study abroad in China or visit China, or for institutions planning to cooperate with their Chinese counterparts.
In Cooperation sub-column, you can find those joint-venture universities in China, cooperation projects
between China and foreign countries, and the information about the representative offices of major overseas
In Country-Specific sub-column, people can find information relevant to a specific country, e.g. the
addresses of the Chinese embassy and consulates general, the intermediaries for providing studying abroad
service, sources of information in their native languages, and other information requested to us.
In Chinese Cities sub-column, we'll add some information of cities where many universities locate.
In Intermediaries sub-column, you can find studying abroad in China service providers both in China and
in other countries.
Please note that the information in some sub-columns will be added gradually, according to the
requirements from netizens.
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